Rules and Regulations


  1. Show pride in your school and present a good image, especially by behaving in public, particularly on your way to and from school.
  2. Latecomers will not be permitted to enter the school campus.
  3. Put your hand up to ask/answer questions, do not blurt out of turn.
  4. Students should move in silence and in an orderly and disciplined manner while changing the classrooms.
  5. No student is allowed to leave the class without teacher’s permission.
  6. All students should be habitually clean and neatly dressed. The school uniform is to be worn on all class days, examination days and for all the school functions at or outside the school.
  7. Student should respect school property. Causing damage to the property or thing belonging to others will result in disciplinary action or/and fine.
  8. Expensive items like mobiles, watch and any other electronic gadgets are strictly prohibited.
  9. Student should not use unfair means during test/exam. Such improper conduct is unworthy and can lead to severe penalties.
  10. Use of abusive language offers disrespect to others and is not allowed in school. Derogatory remarks pertaining to one’s appearance, culture, religion etc. will not be tolerated and stern action will be taken if there is infringement of this rule.
  11. Misbehavior, arguments, and the use of low-standard language in school premises will directly lead to suspension. No written or verbal warning will be given.
  12. Disciplinary action will be taken against who violate these rules, In all cases Principal’s decision will be final
  13. If students do not follow rules and regulation of the school, following card will be issued:- 
  • Pink: Written Warning
  • Red: Suspension
  • Grey: Termination



  1. Fee is to be deposited by Cheque or DD at the School fee counter between 08:00 A.M. to 01:00 P.M. by the 10th of every month on all working days (cheque shall be crossed in favour of Mother Khazani Convent School) In case of delay a fine of 10per day will be charged.
  2. If fee is not paid by 30th of the month, name of the student shall be struck-off from the rolls without any notice. The child will be granted re-admission only after the payment of fee with late fine along with re-admission fees 200

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